We thank all our endorsers so far, here are some photos and letters of support from some of the organisations.

Change the record

“Our people die when police have guns. We have tragically seen this time and time again. Kumanjayi Walker was killed in 2019. Only two months before that, a Yamatji woman, Joyce Clark, was shot and killed by a police officer. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who are the victims of police misconduct face huge barriers to justice."

“Governments need to start addressing the underlying drivers of inequality and injustice in our communities instead of just throwing money at police to respond. That means addressing the housing crisis, ending poverty, supporting families and providing adequate and culturally safe health and mental health care.”

NT Legislative Assembley

Democracy in colour

Sydney Uni SRC solidarity motion passed


• The University of Sydney SRC supports the demands of Yuendumu elders, particularly for an end to the racist NT Intervention and for the defunding of the NT Police.

• The SRC continues to stand in solidarity with the family of Kumanjayi Walker in their fight for justice, and with Indigenous activists across the country fighting against Indigenous deaths in custody.

• The SRC supports the June 18th National Day of Action called by Yuendumu elders.

Statement In Support Of The Yuendumu Community Statement Of Demands

Black Death IPC Australia would like to show their support for the National Day of Action 18th June 2022.

Black Death IPC Australia are an Indigenous Political Club based in Adelaide, South Australia, whose main focus is on providing support to families and groups affected by Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and raising awareness around issues associated with Aboriginal incarceration rates. Black Death IPC Australia strives to empower Aboriginal people through true self-determination and promoting the awareness of Sovereignty and what it truly means for our people.

Black Death IPC Australia will be attending the National Day of Action on June 18 & look forward to joining in solidarity for justice for our people.

Aboriginal Deaths in Custody is a tragic circumstance that prevents our people from moving on which lays heavily at the core of Black Death IPC Australia, with two members (from the same family) having lost six family members to deaths in custody - some names may be familiar and are: Daniel Yock, Sheldon Currie, Bradley & Shaun Coolwell, David Dungay-Hill, and Robert Malayta - all related to each other and to the two Black Death IPC Australia members. Other Black Death members have also been affected personally by deaths in custody.

Too many lives lost, too much mourning for our people, no accountability. It's time to enforce Sovereign Law.

Black Death IPC Australia fully endorses the upcoming National Day of Action on June 18, 2022.

Wage Peace endorsement

We are an antimilitarist organisation with a strong stance on disarming police. We support all the demands you have published. We would like to help mobilise people for the police ceasefire day on June 18.

Close Don Dale Endorsement

Close Don Dale Now endorses the Yuendumu Community Statement of Demands and looks forward to supporting the 18 June National Day of Action.

Indigenous Social Justice Association - Melbourne

We have just finished conducting an out of session vote of the core group of the Indigenous Social Justice Association - Melbourne.
The decision was unanimous to endorse and actively back the Yuendumu community statement.

Community Legal Centres NSW.

We would like to endorse your campaign demands, in support and solidarity with the Yuendumu community and the family of Kumanjyi Walker.

Borroloola Support National Day of Action

Support of Statement of Demands by Yiŋiya Mark Guyula MLA

“The announcement today is very disappointing. Aboriginal communities have been calling out for resources for our people so that we can establish our own services to mediate disputes, work with young people to build pride in identity and strong self discipline, re-empower elders and leaders to work in peace-keeping. Without this investment, we will not see safe and healthy communities. We need to have our Law and authority recognised and respected and we need to see the NT Government show that respect by resourcing programs that are about Aboriginal culture, rather than giving more money to a system that frightens people and puts us in jail. We are not seeing two-ways. We are not seeing self-determination or local decision-making. This is a Government that is protecting itself, rather than protecting and working for the people.”

Take Action

You can support our community and the work that is ahead of us to fight for justice and healing for our community

Endorsement Supporters

The Yuendumu community, elders and the families of Kumanjyi Walker would like to acknowledge all the support of our many community organisations both locally and nationally.

The following organisations have endorsed our demands so far:

Karrinjarla Muwajarri

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